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Aquatics South West  provides national pond construction, maintenance & cleaning plus lake design, construction and reservoir and river management services throughout the UK and into Europe.

Aquatics South West are able to create stunning SuDS and Attenuation ponds.


An increase in the development of new houses and commercial premises has seen a need for new Attenuation ponds; Aquatics South West have seen a massive increase in the construction and maintenance of these ponds.


It is important that these ponds stay clear of excess silt and vegetation to limit any potential flooding problems.


With the correct planting schemes these ponds can become ecological hot-spots which can be enjoyed by wildlife as well as humans.


For any advise on construction or the maintenance of these ponds

please give us a call: 01626 366758 - 07973 539927









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Attenuation / Sud ponds

attenuation pond maintenance and construction
sud attenuation pond construction

lake management, lake desilting, aquatic weed control, truxor

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